Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sometimes I think I’m cool... And then reality kicks in.

Today is Tuesday.  And Tuesdays are boring.  They kind of get lost in the mix of all the days of the week.  They aren’t cool like the weekend, and they aren’t as horrible as Monday(Unless Monday is a holiday and then it’s sort of an honorary Monday, but I digress).  Well this Tuesday is special, and will go down in the history of Tuesdays.  On this Tuesday, the 8th of March, I bought a purse. And not just any purse, mind you.  It is a purse that is NOT BLACK! 
                Whats the big dealio you ask?  Well, I have a pretty colorful closet, and I usually compensate for that with a boring, match-everything-in-my-closet-because-its-neutral, black purse.  They vary in size and shape, but they are almost always black.  So I went crazy and bought this lovely pewter (hey baby steps people) purse with a matching wallet.  I know, I know- girl gone crazayy!

P.S. No I did not wait until I got home to empty my current purse and wallet. I did that right when I got back to the office.
P.S.S. I went shopping on my lunch break.

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